Have You Discovered Invisalign? Clearly a Better Way to Straighten Up

Has it been your dream to have a straighter and more cosmetically perfect smile? Perhaps you think orthodontics is just for kids and teenagers? Here at West Bowmanville Family Dental, we know differently, and the good news is that it’s never too late to straighten your teeth. What’s even better is that often adults can use a system called Invisalign in Bowmanville. You might even know somebody who has already straightened their teeth utilizing this system, although you might not have been aware because it’s so discreet.

Why Choose Invisalign?

One thing that often deters adult patients from seeking orthodontic treatment is the thought of wearing unsightly braces for months or even for years. Invisalign is a different type of treatment that is virtually invisible. Instead of utilizing metal brackets and wires to move your teeth, Invisalign uses clear BPA free plastic aligners to firmly yet gently reposition your teeth. The system is incredibly easy to use because all you must do is to wear each set of aligners for two weeks almost continuously, and for at least 22 hours each day. Every two weeks, you discard your current set of aligners and begin wearing a brand-new set so that gradually your teeth will move into positions predetermined in your treatment plan.

Because the aligners are removable, maintaining excellent dental health during treatment couldn’t be easier. Whenever you want to eat or drink or to brush or floss your teeth, you just remove your aligners. You will be able to eat whatever you like during treatment, and it should have minimal impact on your everyday life.

Who Can Have Invisalign?

Invisalign can correct most orthodontic problems unless they are incredibly complex, so it’s highly likely that you will be suitable for treatment, provided your teeth are generally healthy and strong. It’s best to book a consultation with our dentist in Newcastle, to find out for sure if Invisalign treatment is the right solution.  They will gently examine your teeth and jaws to assess the problems requiring correction. At this stage, you will also discover how long treatment takes to complete. On average, most people will need a year to complete treatment, but sometimes it can be shorter or longer. If you only need to straighten your front teeth and the problems requiring correction are cosmetically oriented, then treatment may be relatively quick. Corrections to the way your teeth bite together may take longer because treatment will be more complicated.

How Can I Tell If Invisalign Is Right for Me?

The beauty of Invisalign is that you can see simulated 3-D images of how your teeth will look after treatment, even before you begin wearing your first aligners. As part of the treatment process, our dentist in Clarington will scan your teeth to take a digital impression. Don’t worry, as this is completely painless and is much more comfortable than having a conventional dental impression. Once your teeth have been scanned, the data is converted into a 3-D model of your teeth. Armed with this information, our dentist can plan your treatment so that each tooth is moved into precisely the right location. It’s quite exciting because you can view these images and can easily visualize the effectiveness of Invisalign.

If you’ve decided this is the year you’re going to straighten your smile, then why not get in touch with our dentist in Courtice? An initial consultation will tell you so much more about Invisalign.

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