What to Expect When Your Baby Starts Teething

The moment your baby gets their first teeth is one of their first important milestones, and those baby teeth look cute too!

When Does Teething Begin?

Usually, children begin teething about 6 months of age, but their first teeth can poke through any time from three months to a year. The first teeth to make an appearance are the lower front teeth, and these are followed a month or two later by the two upper front teeth. Gradually, all twenty baby or primary teeth will come through, and by age three your child will probably have their complete set of first teeth and can see a dentist in Newcastle for the very first time.

What are the Symptoms of Teething?

Your baby may be drooling more often, and this can cause a rash on their chin. They might be fussier than usual or could cry more frequently because their gums feel sore or swollen. Usually, these symptoms appear three to five days before a tooth erupts and soon disappear once the tooth is visible. The discomfort caused by teething could mean your baby wants to bite or chew on fingers or toys more often to try to relieve some of the pressure in their gums. Most times, teething symptoms are mild, but if your baby seems in a lot of discomfort that fails to clear up or if they have a persistent fever, contact their doctor. Not all children are affected by teething.

Helping Your Child Feel More Comfortable During Teething

Relieving some of the pressure in their gums can help to get rid of some of the discomfort of teething. Use a clean finger to gently massage their gums or give them a chilled washcloth to chew on. Teething rings are often helpful and can also be chilled. If needed, you can give your baby an over-the-counter pain reliever, but ensure it is appropriate for their age and follow all the instructions on the packet. You shouldn’t use aspirin to relieve pain because its use has been linked to a rare but serious disease called Reye syndrome.

There are other teething remedies available, such as teething gel, but their use isn’t recommended by the Canadian Dental Association. Some teething gels contain benzocaine which could harm your child, and the gels can make a baby’s throat numb, potentially causing problems with swallowing.

What if Baby Teeth Don’t Come Through as Expected?

You shouldn’t worry too much if your baby’s teeth don’t come through as soon as anticipated because they can often erupt later than average or will not come through in the same pattern as other babies’ teeth. Sometimes these developmental delays could be caused by minor issues such as a lack of space in the jaw, or because another tooth is in the way. It is rare that a child will fail to develop their baby teeth, but most likely your child’s doctor or a dentist in Clarington can set your mind at ease.

Looking After Your Child’s Primary Teeth

Once your child has their primary teeth, you will need to take good care of them, and that is where we can help! West Bowmanville Family Dental is very much a family-oriented clinic and we love seeing kids. We aim to ensure every dental visit is interesting, relaxing and as enjoyable as we can, and our Cavity Free Club is especially for children.

You can schedule their first appointment in Courtice by age three, so we can begin gently introducing them to a brand-new environment. Experience shows that when a child starts to receive regular professional dental care early on, they are much more likely to grow up with positive dental habits and a healthy mouth, benefits that will hopefully last well into adulthood or for life.

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